Acupressure and Massage Therapy Northwest

Kathleen (Kiki) Devney, LIC #MA14368 has been a practicing Licensed Massage Therapist since the year 2000 and an Acupressurist since 2006. In addition to her massage license, Kathleen also holds a BA in Sociology and a BS in Gerontology from Central Washington University, in Ellensburg, WA.

More about kathleen

By combining the techniques of both massage therapy and acupressure, Kathleen works to reduce pain, discomfort, inflammation and muscle tension, while increasing range of motion, restoring comfort and function to clients. Kathleen also helps her clients to reduce anxiety and increase the mind-body connection and sense of balance and well-being. Her treatments are very relaxing, and quite effective for treating traumatic injuries as well as chronic conditions, and can sometimes help clients realize emotional sources of physical symptoms. The results can be very profound and enlightening.


To schedule an appointment or for further information regarding Acupressure and Massage Therapy Northwest, please contact Kathleen at (425) 418-8944 or via email at